Friday, 3 November 2017

Burgersfort is a Disaster. This town does not ignite a Spark.

Not long ago the Mayor of Greater Tubatse Fetakgomo local Municipality unveiled a multimillion rand budget during the municipality’s Integrated Development Programme (IDP). According to Councillor Johannes Phokane this budget is intended to accelerate service delivery to the citizens of the Municipality. The IDP’s total budget stood at a whooping R 600 Million and it has been more than six months since this massive budget was presented to the masses.

But until today communities have not heard nor know anything about the whereabouts of that budget. People don’t know whether the many promises made by the mayor at the event are being implemented or what? Because the town, Burgersfort is turning into rubble of mud and rocks, it is resembling a battered zombie. Under Greater Tubatse Fetakgomo local Municipality, Burgersfort is stagnant, roads are peeling off the ground, buildings are depilating and some are flung far apart from each other. The is not even a single branding of the town, but the municipality has a huge budget available. Burgersfort is serving more than 200 000 shoppers and visitors on a daily base, this people access the town via a small and depilating road. The road R37 is a single lane coming into town and until today it is still a single lane. They are properly maintained streets, actually the is only one street inside town that serves as both the main alternative road and a street for shoppers to access shops. This street was recently poorly upgraded to more than a million Rand, but today it is back to its disastrous state.

Why unveil such a huge budget and still fail to fix a simple town? How is the municipality going to be able deliver services to vulnerable communities if it fails to fix its back yard? This and many other questions that others like me may have remain unanswered till today because our municipality is unresponsive.  I understand that its not the local government’s responsibility to fix a national road, but its the municipality’s responsibility to fix all internal streets and infrastructure in town, so neglecting this is purely reckless and ignorant. Burgersfort has more than 20 active mines, 38 wards and a high level of commodity transit daily, this often lead to traffic congestion, especially during month end. So to allow it to depilate like this, so fast is not right. Burgersfort does not ignite a spark. Instead it is broken, falling apart and development has virtually taken a back sit. Communities are losing confidence in the municipality’s ability to deliver services.

Wards are broken down, councillors are no longer serving the communities that elected them, instead they have politicised everything. If you differ with them, they label you a rebel and overlook you and your entire household when providing services. Poor ordinary citizens remain hopeless and helpless, but the mayor unveiled a budget and still we don’t know how far they are in implementing the promises of the IDP\Budget. The political will of the masses that elected the current leadership has not been fulfilled, Greater Tubatse Fetakgomo Local Municipality’s Burgersfort with its 20 mines resemble one of those isolated Villages in Zimbabwe.  I don’t know what kind of contribution these 20 mines make in our town and villages because everything resembles a “Fuck up”.

The Mayor and his ExCo. must rise above pettiness and show some political maturity, begin this by implementing the promises of the IDP openly, fix the broken town and stop denying ordinary citizens the right to enjoy the fruits of democracy. Atleast in that way we will know that we have a functioning municipality with a dedicated leadership at its helm.