Tuesday, 15 November 2016

A Village burns because of a Mall..

All hell breaks loose when a misled developer attempts to build a R280 Million mall on a hotly contested land. This emerged during a consultation sitting which didn’t end as well as it was planned. The new mall was planned to be build at corner R37 and Steelpoort Road in Riba Cross, a dusty village near Burgersfort. The cost of the mall is estimated at around R280 Million, which the developer plans to plough into the infrastructure but because of the contention between the occupiers of the sports fields who call themselves, Kings Football Club, tribal council and the Councillors due to lack of consultation kings Football club are opposing it. Apparently the developer was misled into believing that all was sorted out and he can proceed but after Tuesday meeting, he was surprised to meet a community of youngsters at war. Kings Football Club demanded that the developer meet with them privately so that they can table their demands directly to him, but the tribal council and councillors refused to grand them that chance and asked them to submit their demands publicly which they unwillingly did. According to their demands as outlined by their leaders, Mr. Sebokwane Sekgogoba and Jerry Mabuza, Kings Football Club demands that the developer relocate their sports ground to an empty space across the R37 road, build them change rooms, develop the field according to SAFA standard, a lawn, a grandstand, lights, water, access bridge, maintenance of roads, Library and 35% employment for them only. Kings Football Club don’t just represent a Football Club, this group also represent the Matšianeng community but indirectly. Matšianeng is a section of Riba Cross, who have since identified themselves as the direct primary affected group and hence the demand for 35% employment which is strictly for them only.
The developer who is a company called Arlane lead by Matakanyane Sekhukhune didn’t oppose the group’s demands instead he agreed to fulfil some because he (Sekhukhune) believes that demands such as water, street lights, maintanace of roads are municipal responsibilities and there for should be taken up with the. He however made a mistake of mentioning that they plan to build “embankments” around the ground instead of a grandstand. This didn’t sit well with the leaders of Kings Football Club, they refused this “embankment” flatly and turned the meeting into a nasty exchange of words.
“No mall will be built on our field unless Matakanyane has met all our demands. We are not interested in his embankments, or explanations that some of our demands should be taken up with municipality, if its that way the he should go built some else. As for these Councillors it is clear that they are here to serve their interests “charged Sekgogoba as he continues to stroke fire.
Sekgogoba himself was also accused by the Tribal council of Ga-Riba of demanding about R1 Million from the developer so he could influence the Youngsters into giving away the ground, but he has flatly denied these accusations and in return accused the tribal council and councillors of trying to turn the tables over to him. Sekgogoba has further said that, those behind the mall are nothing but sell outs and selfish people.
“They are sell outs this tribal councils and the ward councillors. All they are interested in is disposing us of our ground to please this white man. And that will never happen here. We know that they have been given money to try to influence the outcome but we’ll make sure that this never happen” said Sekgogoba as he tries to make a point. He accused Kgoshigadi Riba of downplaying their demands and handing their ground to the developers on a silver platter.
In another meeting which took place on the very same Tuesday evening at around 21h30pm, in which a newly formed business Forum called Bakoni derdegeleid Business Forum attended, Kgoshigadi Riba went on an defence mode. She made it clear that this mall will be built, with or without the disgruntled group.
“Do you hear me, this mall is not going anywhere. Matakanayane, you will build the mall because this is an opportunity for this community to prosper and grow. To be held to ransom by some men who are interested in their own agendas over my dead body, you hear me this mall is going to be built right here at Ga-Riba. Sebokwane and his mob can go to hell”
By those words she signed the agreement allowing the building of the mall.

However as things stand currently the Kings Football Club and Matšianeng have mobilised their friends including the newly formed Business Forum and made it their mission to fight to bitter end, adamant that the mall will never take place on their ground without their demands being met. Things are tense that Matakanyene Sekhukhune and his investment partners are threatening to take this mall and build it elsewhere. No comment was obtained from the developer’s side as things became chaotic and they had to leave immediately.


  1. The mall will not only help the community but also reduce traffic to and from burgesfort

  2. I also agree with you Michael Tebele. This is an opportunity for the community to reduce many accidents and the congestion on our roads. An make our community's shopping better and improved.
