Monday, 12 December 2016

Defeating HIV/AIDS

South Africa has the biggest and most high profile HIV/AIDS epidemic in the world. The virus is more prevalent in this country than anywhere in the world. And these statistics keep rising. It is estimated that the were more than 7Million adults and children die every year from it. The most vulnerable to catch or get infected are mostly young people (Youth), female pregnant and it is also noted that this trend keeps growing year in and year out. We are the only country in the world with the highest antiretroviral roll out, according to statistics obtained from the National Department of Health and the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC). This statistics has not shown any sign of decline ever since it was collected.

Government said, it spend close to R23Billion a year on HIV/AIDS alone. A large chunk of this capital goes to patient Antiretroviral treatment, while the remainder is dedicated to research and finding a better method for effective treatment and possibly a cure. As much as government is showing care and concern about all this, it is also clear that people, particularly young people are not showing any sign of protecting and concerned about their health.

Most youth who are promiscuous when it comes to their sexual health tend to blame others for their woes. But statistics has shown that is not the case. The prevalent of HIV/AIDS among young people high and caused by a number of factors. These include poverty, inequality and social instability, high levels of sexual transmitted infections, sexual violence, uneven access to quality medical care, etc. That’s according to Aids Foundation South Africa.
Now if we look very closely among ourselves, be it in township or rural (Village of Riba Cross, Driekop, etc.) one would spot one or more of this factors. These causes are human-made and it therefore will take a human like you to confront such, thus find a solution.

As a society it is high time that we confront the scourge of this virus eating away our young people. The time is now to deal with this illness and get rid of HIV/AIDS in our communities. But to do that effectively we don’t need certain dates in our calendars to remind us. We need real humans; we need the integrity, concern and togetherness to fight it. The solution lies in a united society that realise protecting its youth, is growing their own communities. For the fight against HIV/AIDS to be successful we need a whole sphere of society. We’ll need churches, Schools, stockvels, funeral societies, charities organizations, government and business, households, taverns and shebeens. In each of these places you’re bound to find a flock of young people, female and male. It will be simpler if massages of education, campaigns, guidance and mentorships about HIV/AIDS as well as other chronic illnesses are resumed and spread from there. We must vigorously challenge this epidemic and i believe together we can defeat HIV\AIDS.

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