Thursday, 15 February 2018

Dear Mr. President....

Yesterday I watched you on television trying to convince us how the ANC NEC has error in elbowing you out of government. I also watched as you kept on maintaining that you have done nothing wrong. Mr. President, you continued to cry and reason with every issue that you discussed with Mr. Cyril Ramaphosa (even thou you tried hard and succeefully not to mention him by name, but I knew you meant him.)  you went on and on how you talked and agreed on ways in which the two of you are going to work together, introduce him to the SADC and BRICS Leaders, because you knew this leaders thinking. When you said this, to me it sounded as if, Mr. President this leaders won’t take Ramaphosa seriously if “you” don’t introduce him properly.
You spoke and said so many things on that national television but what really caught me is when you said, you have done nothing wrong and asked the ANC NEC to furnish you with evidence of wrongdoing. This you asked after the NEC decided to recall you from government and you had refused.
Well I thought I should share with you the narrative on the ground so that you get the grip of things and don’t become ignorant anymore. The people of South Africa are further up with you, your cabinet and your leadership. They simply want you gone! They accuse you of selling their country to an Indian family called the Guptas; they believe you are so corrupt together with several of your ministers that they don’t wish to see you at the Union Buildings any more. Mr. President since you took office, your government has been mirrored in controversy after controversy. You are the first president with first times for everything that is not right.  You are the first president to laugh at every turmoil befelling this country, you are the first president to preside over a state filled with incompetent ministers, the first president to lose every legal case before a court of law, first president to throw every individual that defend and defy you under the bus. First president to face more than “700” charges, first president to survive more than four motions of No Confidence, and still show no concern at all, first president to appoint a minister for four days and then remove him. Mr. President, you’re a survivor no doubt about that but your also a tainted man. You have caused your party to lose every city in which you and them live and work.
I think it’s a little immature for you to now rock up here and claim you have done nothing wrong. Yes, it may seem so on the basis of legality but hey! President your image and your actions are good enough to ask for your resignation. Leave Mr. President while you still have a little bit of your dignity still intact. The party cannot continue to be associated with you or your carhorts. That Indian family you thought are your best friends went way beyond and crossed an uncrossed line, subsequently messing up your presidency. You gave them too much power and made them feel as if they are running government instead of you. President you shouldn’t have done that at all. I know they took your son, gave him a job when nobody wanted anything to do with him.
Just resign Mr. President and go home to Mahlambandlovu to rest from all this attacks and hatred the nation harbours over you. Trust me; nobody wants to see you continuing as president. Even the so-called Transform SA cannot transform nor save you. They don’t represent anybody significant that South Africans know. You will be fired even if you refuse because as I write an axe is wielding in parliament in the form of a Motion of No Confidence in you. This time you WON’T survive it because your defenders have been runned over. Your life as President end today, right now before 12 O, Clock and no one is going to sympathise with you. Your time is up, your record is brocken, your totally defeated this time.
I hope by the time this letter finds you Mr. President; your senses would have prevailed and hopefully done the right thing. You would have resigned and saved yourself the embarrassment of being pushed out on the streets with all those heavy bags you still have to carry heading back home to KZN. I wish you all the best as you pounder on your next move.

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